My Project
▼NUniExtensions | |
▼NAsync | |
CBackgroundTask | |
CExtCoroutine | A coroutine that can be suspended, resumed and aborted. |
CForegroundTask | |
CMagicThread | Magic thread allow a coroutine to go into the background and return to foreground using yield statements. |
CMapReduce | A simple way to spread execution of functions across multiple threads. |
CThreadPool | |
CWorkScheduler | |
▼NCollections | |
CPriorityQueue< T > | A fast priority queue or heap implementation. |
CRingBuffer< T > | A Ring Buffer. |
CSpatialHash | |
▼NColors | |
CHSV | Represents a color using HSV color space. |
▼NControl | |
CPID | A classic PID controller. |
▼NCrypto | |
CBigInteger | |
CMD5 | |
▼NGraph | |
CAStar | The A* path finding algorithm. Uses objects that implement IAStarNode. |
▼NResource | |
CComponentPool< T > | Object pool. Used for recyling tather than Instantiate/Destroy. |
CObjectPool< T > | Object pool. Used for recyling tather than Instantiate/Destroy. |
CPrefabPool | Prefab pool. Used for recyling tather than Instantiate/Destroy. |
CRecycler | |
▼NSerialization | |
CJsonPrettyPrint | |
CJsonSerializer | |
▼NUI | |
CSmoothMouseLook | |
▼NZlib | |
CCRC32 | Calculates a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC) using the same polynomial used by Zip. This type is used internally by DotNetZip; it is generally not used directly by applications wishing to create, read, or manipulate zip archive files. |
CCrcCalculatorStream | A Stream that calculates a CRC32 (a checksum) on all bytes read, or on all bytes written. |
CDeflateStream | A class for compressing and decompressing streams using the Deflate algorithm. |
CGZipStream | A class for compressing and decompressing GZIP streams. |
CInflateBlocks | |
CInflateCodes | |
CInfTree | |
CTree | |
CZlibCodec | Encoder and Decoder for ZLIB (IETF RFC1950 and RFC1951). |
CZlibConstants | A bunch of constants used in the Zlib interface. |
CZlibException | A general purpose exception class for exceptions in the Zlib library. |
CZlibStream | Represents a Zlib stream for compression or decompression. |
CCameraExtensionMethods | |
CCollectionExtensionMethods | |
CColorExtensionMethods | |
▼CConsole | |
CConsoleMessage | |
CGameObjectExtensionMethods | |
CMarkovGenerator | The Markov generator is used to generate random strings (usually words or names) based on an input set of words. |
CMeshExtensionMethods | |
CMiscExtensionMethods | |
CMonoBehaviourExtensionMethods | |
CRigidbodyExtensionMethods | |
CRnd | |
CSingleton< T > | A Singleton manager. |
CTransformExtensionMethods | |
CUnityRectExtensions | |
CVector3ExtensionMethods | |
CFixedList< T > | |
CIAStarNode | Interface required for objects to be used with the AStar path finding class. |
CUniExtender | |
▼CUniExtensionsExamples | |
CJsonTest |