A Behaviour and Decision library for Unity3D
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBAD.BADReactorBAD reactor searches all components on the gameobject which implement IReactorLoad, then executes the graphs returned by those components.
 CBAD.ChanceOnly runs child if probability value is met.
 CBAD.CooldownRuns a child node if it's cooldown timer less than 0; When the child executes the timer is set to T+seconds. Used for rate limiting.
 CBAD.FlipFlopRuns child every second time.
 CBAD.IfRuns it's child node if a System.Func<bool> method returns true.
 CBAD.InvertInvert the result of the child. Success becomes Failure and vice versa.
 CBAD.LoopRun a child a number of times, regardless of success or failure. Always succeeds.
 CBAD.OnceRuns child once then disables itself.
 CBAD.TimeLimitFails if child does not succeed within a time limit.
 CBAD.UntilFailureKeep running the child until a failure result is returned.
 CBAD.UntilSuccessKeep running the child node until a success result is returned.
 CBAD.WaitForWaits until a condition is true then executes its child.
 CBAD.WhileBothExecutes its child while condition is true and the child has not failed.
 CBAD.MutatingSelectorA selector that re-orders it's children based on the mutation policy field.
 CBAD.ParallelRun all nodes simultaneously, failing or succeeding based on the policy field.
 CBAD.RootThe root node which must sit at the top of the tree.
 CBAD.SelectorRuns each child in turn, returing a success on the first child that succeeds. Returns failure if no child succeeds.
 CBAD.RandomSelectorA selector which randomly shuffles it's children before executing.
 CBAD.SequenceRun all child nodes, returning a failure on the first child that fails. Returns success if all children succeed.
 CBAD.ActionExecute a IEnumerator<NodeResult> coroutine.
 CBAD.ConditionExecutes a System.Func<bool> method and returns the result as failure or success.
 CBAD.LogOutputs some text to the console, and pauses the editor if pause == true.
 CBAD.SleepSleep for a number of seconds before returning Success. Variance parameter modifies the duration by a random amount.